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Waleed Aly and Patricia Karvelas blasted over ‘offensive’ education comments
Waleed Aly's Thoughts On Migration Beyond Covid
Barrie Cassidy and Patricia Karvelas: Is political journalism in Australia failing our democracy?
Sky News: Patricia Karvelas
ABC has turned into a ‘propaganda channel’ for the Voice’s ‘Yes’ case
Australian banks offer ‘cultural leave’ to staff upset by Voice defeat
PM and Yes campaign 'blaming anyone but themselves' for Voice rejection
Left goes into ‘mass meltdown’ over Voice failure
'We live in a democracy': Warren Mundine calls on Australians to respect 'No' result
The Voice to Parliament is already ‘falling apart’: Andrew Bolt
Waleed Aly's insane referendum take: People were not 'educated' enough to vote "yes"
Australians ‘don’t like identity politics’: Greg Sheridan on Voice failure